《SNOW - 均線多頭排列》SNOW是SaaS中估值最高的股票,目前走勢也率先站上所有均線,且均線呈現多頭排列。最主要是Q2財報後跳空上漲,一舉突破所有均線。 目前的頸線位置在195,突破後則上看$230的大量套牢區。看多由FinTasticTrading提供十月 5, 2022110
SNOW, 10d+/-25.46%下降週期 大於10天 -25.46% falling cycle -25.46% more than 10 days. ================================================================================================================================================================== 此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。 This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.N看空由Tonyder提供八月 29, 20220
SNOW, 10d+/-61.76%下降周期 大於10天 -61.76% falling cycle 61.76% more than 10 days. ================================================================================================================================================================== 此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。 This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.N看空由Tonyder提供六月 1, 20220