US100, 10d+/14.7%上升週期 大於10天 14.7% rising cycle 14.7% more than 10 days. ================================================================================================================================================================== 此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。 This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.U看多由Tonyder提供已發表 0
US100, 6d/-12.96%下降週期 6天 -12.96% falling cycle -12.96% in 6 days. ================================================================================================================================================================== 此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。 This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.U看空由Tonyder提供已發表 2
US100, 10d/-11.51%下降週期 大於10天 -11.51% falling cycle -11.51% more than 10 days. ================================================================================================================================================================== 此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。 This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.U看空由Tonyder提供已發表 0
US100, 8d/9.39%上升週期 8天 9.39% rising cycle 9.39% in 8 days. ================================================================================================================================================================== 此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。 This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.U看多由Tonyder提供已發表 0
US100, 10d+/14074~13028區間整理 大於10天 14074~13028 shaking at 14074~13028 more than 10 days. ================================================================================================================================================================== 此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。 This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.U由Tonyder提供已發表 0
US100, 7d/-18.45%下降週期 7天 -18.45% falling cycle -18.45% in 7 days. ================================================================================================================================================================== 此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。 This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.U看空由Tonyder提供已發表 0
US100, 9d/5.9%上升週期 9天 5.9% rising cycle 5.9% in 9 days. ================================================================================================================================================================== 此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。 This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.U看多由Tonyder提供已發表 0
US100, 9d/16.55%上升週期 9天 16.55% rising cycle 16.55% in 9 days. ================================================================================================================================================================== 此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20移動平均線/60移動平均線/120移動平均線/240移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。 This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.U看多由Tonyder提供已發表 0
US100, 7d/-2.89%下降週期 7天 -2.89% falling cycle -2.89% in 7 days. ================================================================================================================================================================== 此數據為機器人分析。 根據亞當理論分析歷史趨勢(20 條移動平均線/60 條移動平均線/120 條移動平均線/240 條移動平均線),估計未來 10 天的趨勢。 白線為機器人預期價格,上下橫線為止損止盈價,無財務根據,結果僅供參考。 This data is analyzed by robots. Analyze historical trends based on The Adam Theory of Markets (20 moving averages/60 moving averages/120 moving averages/240 moving averages) and estimate the trend in the next 10 days. The white line is the robot's expected price, and the upper and lower horizontal line stop loss and stop profit prices have no financial basis. The results are for reference only.U看空由Tonyder提供已發表 0
2021-12-03 小時線H1 US100 Nasdaq繼2021-12-01日線形成頭肩頂(請見)並歷經2021-12-02日的回徹碰到頸線~ 納斯達克納指正式進入空頭~ 藉由日線的TP1可以反向思考小時線會回徹到何處再繼續向下跌~ 2021-12-03的非農日將今日高點帶至16089.61後隨即跌至15543.31方才回彈~ 可以16089.61~15543.31 此一波546.3點跌幅來反向思考~ 日線TP1~15285.41加上546.3點便可得知小時線即將回徹至15831.71附近便再次下跌來至日線頭肩頂的TP1看空由leochangchen提供已發表 1
那斯達克未來走勢這幾天美國股指出現了恐慌性賣壓 主要原因在於鮑爾順利連任,預期升息的步調會繼續前進 雖然短線下殺,但是納指還是趨勢性較強的商品 價格目前維持在10MA線附近,曲線現在依舊是呈現上揚的狀態 有機會短線賺個多單利潤,停利點先看16500看多由SamGodWang提供已發表 0
[那斯達克 NASDAQ ] 下周等待嘎空,再行回檔美聯儲(FED)宣布縮減購債規模 流動性增速放緩 美債利率 短中長期都走跌 TVC:US02Y TVC:US05Y TVC:US20Y TVC:US30Y 雖然20年與30年利率仍然倒掛 但有逐步靠攏的跡象 觀察美國不希望在這時間點進行太大規模的緊縮 市場開始走向更偏離的軌道 預期最快下周就會有明顯的嘎空 清洗空方倉位 接著進入高空震盪 結束今年的狂歡派對 同時觀察如果黃金也跟著走高 COMEX:GC1! 觸碰1855 再行回檔 那就確定中期走空的趨勢由SYS_17提供已發表 2
(Nasdaq)向上空間有限,短線轉趨保守!?各位投資夥伴大家好,今天跟大家聊聊Nasdaq的走勢。 首先先恭喜各位投資人,若有抓住這波10/13起漲的一波漲勢, 也有約莫1600點,11.3%左右的利潤。 身為趨勢交易者也必須了解趨勢的強弱變化, ▲△日K時框分析△▲ 就趨勢而言5/10/20/60/120EMA屬於強勢多頭排列 現階段不會去預測趨勢是否反轉 但就KD及MACD指標都處於高位,雖不排除有鈍化可能,但短線不宜再進場。 ▲△小時時框分析△▲ 因為創高後無reference,目前算上檔無壓的狀態, 但就上升通道而言,上緣壓力區約在16500~16600。 綜觀上述所說,目前仍屬強勢上漲態勢,但短線上漲空間有限, 甚至於會開始震盪取得價格共識。短線不宜再進場追高。 上檔壓力16500~16600 如果對於先前分析有興趣也可以參考附檔的幾篇分析文。U由glorygene提供已發表 5
數學不會背叛 統計仍需尊重過去三年,NASQ指數在周線上僅有少數幾次突破2.0的BBand上緣,而且幾乎每次之後都會迎來一段往下的修正。 現在NASQ又再度突破了上通道,本周加今天還有兩個交易日,個人認為拉回的機率非常高。 畢竟統計學已經告訴你,超過2倍標準差的機率只有4%左右,過去三年的歷史也告訴你數學是不會背叛你, 這時候看著日線飆漲就跳進去,就很容易陷入見樹不見林的窠臼。 周線已經告訴你超漲了,難道還期待著邪惡第五波嗎?過去兩周,已經是邪惡第五波了。 費城半導體指數一個跳空缺口創新高,就看這個缺口能不能為NASQ提供抵抗的底氣,英特爾這日落西山巨頭的大漲, 能否帶動MAMAA的往上動力? 不知道未來會發生甚麼事情,但超過周線2.0通道,絕對不會是一個進場搶多的好地點。 看空由AceJack0104提供已發表 2