Another one of my favoured potentially MEGA Alpha SMALL CAPS plays has entered a Trading Halt pending news of a Capital Raise.
I am hoping for a non-renounceable rights issue that avoids dilution and gives holders the opportunity to load up at a significant discount. At these prices it will be chicken feed!
I am confident it is NOT an SPP or placement with Instos/Sophs.
Even after a tragic fatal accident at IMEC's Fabrication Research lab last week I am confident ANY delay in the 2nd iteration of 4DS's revolutionary Interface switching Re-RAM Memory chip will not derail the experienced and professional teams at both IMEC and 4DS.
To learn about this potential GAME CHANGER for Digital Memory Storage Technology see here >
DISCLOSURE: I AM HOLDER & LONG 4DS as a mid term/long range play...they are THAT GOOD with the Board and Management holding a stellar proven track record.