
Gaming is here to stay for a long long time.......

Think of 3 things in your life that you are highly dependent on. Ready? 1 , 2 , 3

1. Social Media
2. Fast food
3. Mobile Phone

I did a quick survey among my circle of friends and came to the above conclusions (may not be conclusive). It is tough to imagine kids today will spend time to play Monopoly or Scrabble games (a luxury in my childhood time). Of course, there are cafes that cater to such demand but it is a niche.

Just take a look when you are out of your house. Are you not surrounded by a myriad of fast food outlets ? From KFC, Starbucks, Long John Silver, MacDonald, Burger King, etc
I see families going to MacDonald on weekends to take their breakfast whereas I belong to the "old school" and still prefer the old type coffeeshop where they served 2 soft boiled eggs, 1 cup of hot beverages and toasted bread.

I take public transport daily and without fail, at any time when I am on the phone, it is becoming a rarity to see someone holding a physical book to read. Really tough! 9 out of 10 are glued to the phones be it listening to music, playing games, reading online novels, watching drama or simply swiping contents on their Tiktok or other social media platforms.

How times have changed? Gone are the days where hard copy newspaper are found in households but these days, one get overwhelming amount of news, including fake ones and updated so often that it is becoming a nuisance!

Stickability - that is how these companies have made its consumers over time. Just like tobacco products. No matter how much fines the countries government imposed on these deep pockets firms, they always have excesses to stay above the line and made astronomical profits.

For Tencents, I continue to stay invested and looking at the chart, I believe a possible trend reversal is near or here. I will nibble some today and continue to monitor the chart.

Stay tuned and please DYODD.
