Anglo American

Anglo American PLC Stock Price & Analysis

Within a 100K Account Balance the split on Trade & Risk Management = 1/10% - 1/20% margin as an Execution Range, to set up an Order Entry and select a per Trade on Average, to avoid any drawdown hit regarding to Stop Loss & to execute Risk on Management Specifics. Trail Stop efforts are a Focus of Attention to the set up in general when Volatile-Price-Action is involved, mainly because of the usage of an Intraday-Scalp-Position tool on behalf on the Trade Plan in general

Key indicators on Trade Set Up in general;
1. Push Set Up
2. Range Set Up
3. Break & Retest Set Up

Active Sessions on Relevant Range & Elemented Probabilities;
* Asian(Ranging) - London(Upwards) - NYC(Downwards)
* Weekend Crypto Session

- Income statement in USD
Year on year Anglo American PLC's revenues fell -12.72% from 35.12bn to 30.65bn. This along
with an increase in the cost of goods sold expense has contributed to a reduction in net
income from 4.51bn to 283.00m, a -93.73% decrease

- Cash flow in USD
In 2023, cash reserves at Anglo American PLC fell by 2.33bn. However, the company earned
6.50bn from its operations for a Cash Flow Margin of 21.19%. In addition the company used
5.56bn on investing activities and also paid 3.22bn in financing cash flows

- Balance sheet in USD
Anglo American PLC has a Debt to Total Capital ratio of 38.63%, a lower figure than the
previous year's 57.76%

- Growth rates in USD
Year on year, both dividends per share and earnings per share excluding extraordinary items
growth dropped -22.58% and -93.70%, respectively. Additionally when measured on a five year
annualized basis, both dividend per share and earnings per share growth ranked in-line with
the industry average relative to its peers

Conclusion | Trade Plan Execution & Risk Management on Demand;
Anglo American PLC Stock Price & Analysis: Overall Consensus | Sell

