AEON/BTC opportunity gain over 2000% ( LONG ) !!!

The reason you must buying this good one .
This coin uses POW not STAKE, ATM value this coin is ATL ( ALL TIME LOSE )
when you buy AEON surely you get support from miners and investors, miners will not sell coin at the lowest price..

In recent news, Aeon will also be the first CryptoNote coin to adopt a SHA-3 variant, the Kangaroo Twelve ( K12 ) Proof of Work (PoW) hashing algorithm ( ASIC FRIENDLY ) it's good because mainly whales miners is ASIC..
unlike other coins change ALGO from ASIC to CPU, if you find coins change the algo to CPU, surely the target price is long term ( STABLE )

Note !!!
Trading cryptocurrencys is a high-risk activity. cryptocurrency prices are very volatile, where prices can change significantly over time. Please use extra consideration in making the decision to buy or sell cryptocurrencys.

