First Majestic Silver Corp.

AG Silver Majestic

As some know , since 15,32.
I'm long on AG this Chart explain why
i posted another one which contain the Silver CDF ´s
and the compression of the price action on the CDF ´s at big Triadle poder
i think they c ant contain the Silver price at so low range due to the demand, either it ´s a hard battle
keep an eye on the Kids they can Short Sqeeze again, it won ´t be a surprise AG is on their list
Sorry for the errors in text, what i mean is CDF ´s are in trouble even if they short Silver price from the government, FED, Morgan, or who/whatever, the demand increase and the physical price is far higher than the CDF ´s at least for contracts that are not yet signed, i don't think CDF ´s are the real life.
At end real life matters lot more than speculation

