AMC Entertainment

MOASS or loss porn? An opinion on AMC Entertainment.

Dear babbling smooth brained baboons of the interweb, it's your ol’ boy Magnus here!
I have come to present a case for AMC. I do believe we are about to witness the end of the “battle for $40” in the war of “The smooth brained simians vs. The hedgies“.

Now dear fellow, I know you have never seen such artistic magnificence before! But do stop licking the screen and allow us to move along, ei?
Well, as you can see. According to my most sophisticated calculations we should either MOASS or have lots and lots of epic loss porn for our ape brethren over at r/wallstreetbets before the year is out!

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. It is an opinion. Magnus is not a financial advisor.

Twas loss porn dear fellow!

