"Sell. Sell. Sell. Keep on selling until i say stop"
The markets must have known one thing: If Rothschild was selling, Wellington must of lost.
As Rothschild kept selling, all other investors started to sell. The market plummeted. Soon everyone was selling their government bonds.
But secretly, Rothschild was quietly buying the stocks for fraction of the cost.
A few hours afterwords, Rothschild dominated the Bank of England and the bond market.
-June 18th, 1815
Investment banks have been downgrading after a blow out earning. They have simply stomped and labeled on a company which turned a profit and beat expectations as a loser, but in retrospect, they have been winning with realistic historic cyclical consumer cycle guidance.
Hi guys,
It's been a hard week for all of us. I feel all the suffering and pain as i see my account go from its 52 week high, to a number that grinds and turns my stomach. But I insure myself, I do believe the real winner in all this is....the company that we have invested into. The products that it has produced, and the real threat that this company has is giving to Intel. In the end, Wellington (AMD) has won, and Napoleon has lost(Intel).
December 1999
$28 dollars
July 1999 (dip)
$15 dollars
May 5, 2000
Novermber 2004
$21 dollars
April 2005
$17 dollars (dip)
Feb 2006
Just an idea
Bad Grammar
Spelling mistakes
Fast type up
Not a stock analyst