
Amazon and my shopping basket

Disney, T Mobile, Amazon, Charter Communications, Netflix.
What do all of these companies have in common?

1) They are all >100B market cap.

2) They all have >10B Gross Profits.

3) They are all at 52 Week Lows.

4) They're all on my shopping list.

Amazon just had it's worst week since 2018 after underperforming the S+P in 2021, but this behemoth isn't going anywhere. I don't need to tell you about the value of it's core ecommerce business that we all use, or the AWS that runs a huge chunk of the internet, the 2nd largest hosting provider with their cloud hosting servicing 42% of the top 10k websites by traffic (Source: BuiltWith), or the success of Prime through logistical brilliance, a successful streaming platform and acquisition of Wholefoods to make the most convenient home shopping platform in the world.
I don't have to tell you about the 31 acquisitions Amazon has made since 2017, 15 of those since 2019.
I don't have to tell you that Amazon is an incredible company that still has a long runway of success and innovation ahead in a growing number of sectors (drones? Yes please!)
That's why Amazon is one of my top choices for investment in 2022.

The business circumstances for each company deserve separate posts in their own right, but to put it simply these companies are the cream of the crop in their industries and we currently have a fire sale.

When the market dips, it's the perfect time to go shopping, and each of these companies deserve serious consideration in your portfolio. Do your own research and make your decisions, but when it comes time to go bargain hunting why not start with the best in class?

A few more stocks I'm looking at meet that >100B market cap, >110B gross profits, industry leaders but that are at 6 Month Lows include:

Estee Lauder
Alphabet (GOOG)

We can see where the market takes us this week, but I can say with certainty I'll be a buyer on a number of these names this week.
