Buy ARKW $125 to $135! LT Play, 9:1 R:R

Here is the weekly chart for ARKW, the ARK Next Gen Internet ETF

counting from inception, ARKW has completed a massive wave 3 followed by a deep wave 4 correction which means it'll have an equally powerful wave 5. Taking the equal legs target or wave 1 results in a 5th wave that does not cross the ATH, which means a true wave 5 should replicate the entire length of wave 3. In simple English that means Cathy's baby is gonna have another massive 2020 like move over the next year or so.

ARKW contains all the companies and technologies you want to be invested in over the next decade:

Tesla = EV's/autonomous driving/energy storage & generation.....will these technologies be more widely adopted or less?

Shopify = e-commerce/online store fronts/social media based sales....will these technologies be more widely adopted or less?

Twitter = digital home of presidents, countries, corporations and revolutions...will these technologies be more widely adopted or less?

Square = digital payments/wallets/crypto....will these technologies be more widely adopted or less?

Teledoc = centralized digital healthcare platform.....will these technologies be more widely adopted or less?

Greyscale = Bitcoin exposure/digital gold....will these technologies be more widely adopted or less?

Roku = Streaming media w/ Large scale creators.....will these technologies be more widely adopted or less?

Spotify = streaming media w/ small scale creators.....will these technologies be more widely adopted or less?

Twilio = Communication as a Service (CaaS) platform.....will these technologies be more widely adopted or less?

Coinbase = Most trusted and legit onramp for crypto....will these technologies be more widely adopted or less?

Take a look at these companies, their technologies, and the type of service they offer, and ask yourself....will these be more in demand over the next decade or less? If you dont think these technologies, these platforms are the future then you haven't been paying attention.

Now is the chance to get in on the FAANGS of the future. Imagine having invested in google or amazon in early 2000's. This is the last chance for a while (there will be one more i believe) to get in on this action. Dont worry about quarterly % increases and EBTIDA margins and blah blah blah....let cathy and the analysts are ARK worry about that. YOU should only focus on being a part of the trend that will define the future. If someone told you to invest in the internet in 1990, knowing everything you know now, would you do it?

So buy ARKW between 125 and 135, and thank me in 2030.
AIARKARKWBeyond Technical AnalysisbigdataGrowthinvestmentthesisthefutureWave Analysis
