
The trade i cannot lose

Here I have been given the chance to have 0 risk in this trade, I will continue to monitor the 7 trades over then next few weeks, I will not close them i will not move any of my stops or TP, again I got nothing to lose here and everything to gain. Gain you ask? well that's going to be left up to the invisible war we are in atm other wise known as covid-19. if I feel the market will go against me in a heavy way, I will look to take partial profits but not all of them!!

Entered trade with 0.05 lots on 400$, live money, its all I got to spare for this weird ass time we are in, but I can do this!! ill keep you all updated in time


Best tip I can give to anyone new or starting out:

Start With 0.01 Lots Move the number up when your balance moves up by 3 digits so 100$ is 0.01 400 is 0.04, it will help LOTS
Added 1 more short trade at 70629 Current points +6800 including the EU short i will post soon
continuing to hold my shorts.. summer is not done yet

