Bitcoin Liquid Index

Bitcoin’s Entire Fractal Cycle History Decoded! Wow!

Finally it all fits 🧩 together. I have cracked 🔓 🔎 the code 📝✍️ to Bitcoin’s cyclical 🔁 🌊 fractal. My mouth hangs agape. 😲 🤔 🤨 🧐

This should be self-explanatory for anyone who has an IQ high enough to correlate the diagrammed patterns. The dotted curves correspond. The thicker curves correspond. The medium thickness curves correspond. There’s a pattern within a pattern — the layman’s definition of a fractal — indicated with the dashed double-sided, curved arrow indicating the correspondence between a medium thickness curve and a dotted curve. Lastly the purple and yellow correlate both based on color and on the thickness. Can you wrap your mind around it?

This now explains the weirdness of a massive crash coming perhaps in March 2022 — because of the larger (thicker curves) pattern which encompasses the inner patterns. And this seems to confirm that March 2022 will be the “donations attack against the SegWit imposter Bitcoin softfork” which I have been mentioning since 2017.

Zoomed in on 2013.

That was not quite right. I guess rushing at 3am and haven’t slept yet. This seems to make it all congruent and proportion.

Note Bitcoin must have had a very high price when it was first launched but you won’t find any record of it. Would have been a private transaction as there were no exchanges yet. Maybe Satoshi sold his BTC to the global elite?

This idea of 2013’s second bull phase after the initial top in April 2013 is not a new concept to me. I have been positing it since 2019! Here follows my Oct 23 idea about it.

2013 Repeating?

