Congratulation, we closed at the right time at 12700 from our 9200 buy, and we could cover our position back, while keeping 39% profit in our pockets for re-investing in green days, in undervalued alts or simply to enjoy life.
BTC did enough correction to resume a bull, so we will just hold forever this position, even if we go down to hell, and continue enjoying the profits we made on this way up, and with swings. They are vastly bigger than if we held anyway, and our core position is intact, so mission accomplished !
BTC will come back to 20k and beyond one day (maybe in few weeks, maybe in few decades when it's a collectable), and even if we must go down to the ground first.
But if it does, I will wait for it there with my cash bag. And I hope that you will too. Now is neither the time to sell or buy, now is the time to watch !
Stay frosty, and remember, money is a mean, not an end !