
switch to bits/ubtc for comfort

19k 20k etc are intimidating prices but thats a result of bitcoins supply being fixed at 21 million. its way too scarce for the adoption thats happening now. Satoshi Nakamoto thought of this and he added 8 decimal places to BTC. This means the smallest unit of BTC is 0.00000001

Why am i bringing this up? Because we dont have to use BTC as the base unit. We can use for example bits/ubtc instead which i show in this chart. For one thing its more comforting trading a base unit that trades at $0.02 as opposed to $20,000. But also it makes pricing things a bit more easy.

bits/ubtc is what the denomination i used is called. have a nice day

1 btc = 1,000,000 bits/ubtc

find out how many bits/ubtc you have here youmeandbtc.com/bitcoin-converter/convert-btc-mbtc-bits-satoshis-usd/
Adam Back just tweeted about bits. Great minds think alike!

a bit cleaner chart 快照

