
KSModel - Estimating Bitcoin bull peak, bear market low prices

Twice a day, 7 days a week, I do YouTube videos under the "Crypto Trading KS" channel. I look that look into price action across Bitcoin , the stock market (focusing on crypto related stocks), bonds, yields, the dollar, major indices as well as doing low level technical analysis on specific ALTS

As a former lecturer in 1st and 2nd year statistics, with a background in actuarial science, management consulting, research, finance, and law - I seek to create analysis that is hard core focused on science combined with 20+ years of trading experience.

The KSModel is a real-time crypto technical trading model based on institutional price psychology (not retail price psychology).

In this update (2021-07-19), I make an estimate that the likely values are:
Bear market cycle lows ($31,350 to $72,900 )
Bull market peaks (288k to 486k)
Absolute minimum price of Bitcoin is $132,418

The halving cycle is fluctuating due to hash rate reduction so these values could well change as mining comes back online. I'll keep everyone updated.

