
Next Extension Top 45k ? BTC/USD #Bitcoin $BTC #btc

Here we see our Bitcoin 3 day chart from Bitstamp . Can you see our Fib drawdown on the far right of the chart ? And the top fib that is visible says 2.618 at 45424 ? There is a pink arrow underneath it . That's the probable next stop on the way up for Bitcoin. As you can see we already hit the 1.618 fib extension at 29500 so the next one up is the 2.618 fib extension . And that's near 45k ! Looks great though of course there can always be some up and down on the way . I wish these charts let you see above this area! But still you can see this chart is looking good for near future .
But how long will it take to get there ? It's hard to say . It could be weeks or even months , of course no one knows exactly because alts may have their first run. Let's see what happens .

