
Are You Buying Here or Selling More? 2 Scenarios on Bitcoin

Further to my ongoing analysis and trading signals on the BTCUSD #BitCoin saga, It would appear that we are currently in situation which can be interpreted in two ways

We are either at the low of the trading range. We see a bullish reversal candle with a good tail sticking out of the trading range lows. Suggesting the bulls are probably taking over.

I can guess that the pumpers will be showing millions of worth of purchases on their tick tocks and youtube shorts etc etc.

On the other hand, we have a decent pullback (reverse) (in other words pullup) setting up. The Target for wave 5 down is still in tact.

The question is do you want to sell more shorts or join the "stay positive" buy the dip crowd? Which one are you?

I'm long and short!

