
BTC are you still bullish?

How are you friends? Are you bullish are you expecting another big boom and BTC around 135k USD? or, on the contrary, do you expect that the whole bubble has burst long ago, retail is buying like life and only whales are drawing money from it for their luxurious life?

Let me know, I'm curious about your opinion if all those people who bought BTC around 60k and all those individuals around the world who have bought crypto in spots will get rich, or if they will lose all their savings like with LUNA etc...
I wonder what has to happen for institutions, companies, innovators, developers and others to trust BTC again like before. Big companies and investors lost 114 billion dollars in 2022.

currently I only see an intensive massage for ordinary people to invest in the crypt on all social networks. I think this is one huge scam.

Convince me of my mistake, why should BTC skyrocket again and everyone, including me, who holds some part of BTC should become dreamily rich? Isn't it very simple?

