
The Big Picture - 4500 - 10K?

We draw lines all the time...my preference is the 4H and I move around from there to see the shorter term picture when things are moving. It is however always a good idea from time to time to step back...way back and take a look at the big picture. See where your ideas and thoughts over shorter timeframes fit into the plan over the long term time frame. So here is mine. I hadnt done this for some time and the lines were drawn over time over many weeks and months. im still a cash baby waiting to get back in and my thoughts are still on the idea that we are in bear territory. We may bouce at 6800-7000 or we may go to 4500 to decide....back to 10K or onwards into the depths of desparation, to test the lows and go lower?...Perspective is a wonderful thing...stare..muse and decide for yourselves!
Thoughts and comments welcome...and appreciated.

