
BTC and YahooJapan, The future of BTC!

There is a similarity in BTC price and internet company price such as YahooJapan; yhoo.it/2P8BeiH

These two prices peak once and come down, never go up to the the peak again.

But then there is a difference; YahooJapan at least generate revenue to create the value where BTC creates the value based on FOMO.

The value of crypto currencies are in the vision to revolutionize the world as we know it, not the beauty queen just the sake of owning it.

If you got in any price over $2,000, there is a great possibility of losing your money since BTC price is mostly based on community who believes in the value where the interest is dwindling down these days; trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=bitcoin&geo=US

