另外一個重要的公告來自ISDA,ISDA 关账框架(ISDA Publishes Framework to Prepare for Close Out of Derivatives Contracts)的推出是对2023年3月美国Signature银行和SVB倒闭的回应,这些事件突显了在各种后危机监管改革之后,可能终止场外衍生品交易关系的复杂性。具体而言,相关实体现在被要求为未清算的衍生品交易提供保证金,同时各个司法管辖区也引入了作为银行解决机制一部分的终止权利和补救措施的强制暂停。
DTCC也發布了:ORDER FROM RECAPS,On Friday, August 2, 2024, the National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) will be making a system change to automatically exclude an Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) Trade-For-Trade (TFT) balance order from the Obligation Warehouse (OW) Reconfirmation and Pricing Service (RECAPS). Additionally, the system change will prohibit an OCC TFT balance order from being included in the RECAPS process.