
Human Evolution "The End of Capitalism"

"The End of Capitalism" "Beginning of post-scarcity economy"
Look around the world and read the news. Look at the market fluctuations and see for yourself.
All predictive models are failing and geopolitical tensions are rising. Economic war for change
has begun and China won. The United States targeted China in one last move with tariffs and
it will not affect there economy one bit. Actions by the United States will have a negative
effect around the world with all trade alliances and parties will form to bring in the change
to a new developing system for world partnerships.

We end capitalism or world war 3 will happen. Good luck good bye enjoy your life everyone.
I won't be back on here anymore because the days of trading is over. If money isn't required
for the future then investing will be obsolete.

All markets are bearish to me now. Peace and long life
