
Bitcoin huge rise could be coming.

Bitcoin huge rise could be coming. The analysis shows that bitcoin is currently in an accumulation range. It can also be seen that the width of the current accumulation range is much larger than the previous accumulation range shown on the chart. However, one important point can be made. The percentage value of the accumulation ranges is the same (58%). This is due to the logarithmic vertical scale division. Since the width of the two accumulation ranges in percentage is the same, we can assume that the relationship between the two accumulation ranges is of fractal type. This would imply that the waveform exiting the accumulation domain could also be fractal, with a percentage size equal to the percentage size of the waveform exiting the previous accumulation domain. In the event that this conclusion is correct, we are looking at a significant bitcoin surge. Its magnitude could approach 400%. Wave size could reach the 150.000 usd level.

