Version 2.7 Update for Bad Ass B Bands to Help With Stop Loss
Hi Everyone! The previous updates providing PERCENTAGE SPREAD between certain B-Bands allowed us to quickly determine potential percentage gain for the risk we are taking to help us quickly visualize approximate "risk/reward ration." The percentage displayed also allows us to quickly get a visual on WHERE to place our stop loss if you generally set your stop loss at 2 percent from your opening price. I determined it was necessary to also add that percentage for the aqua/orange upper and aqua/orange lower b-bands for a quick visual of where to place our stop loss if we opened a long or short at or near the Aqua upper or Aqua lower B-Bands in a High Time Frame Scalp using the Short Term Group of time frames.
Hope this was helpful...
Happy Trading and Stay Awesome!
P.S. - I'm about to work on an update for BTCUSD after a break for a snack.