
Bitcoin - Moon Cycles

I dont believe in horoscopes, but moon cycle influence on the stock market makes me a believer in astrology lol. Consensus is that new moon is bullish for risk and full moon is the end of risk taking. During full moon people argue more and there's a belief that we get less sleep.
based on the "idea", next full moon will be in 19th august. Curious to see if bitcoin will start dumping. Tomorrow or Wednesday (14 or 15th) is important CPI report (that should be the driver for markets).
BTC ceiling, according to moon cycle 👀
"In that study, researchers discovered that around the full moon, people spent 30% less time in NREM sleep (deep sleep) and slept for 20 minutes less than when there wasn't a full moon. These changes were also associated with decreased levels of melatonin."

here's the answer. New Moons don't mater. Periods around Full Moon cause people to sleep less. It could mean both euphoria and fear.

There was someone using VIX and moon cycles. I think it makes more sense to apply it to SPX. VIX is just the result, not the cause? cool stuff.

