We had exactly 10 green DAILY candles all CONSECUTIVE. Never in the history of Bitcoin this had ever happen. Not even in Bullmarket. It looks like an overstrech, a bit of expiration of some options and thats about it. Even more this might be the fuel that can bring Bitcoin under 30k.
The market is manipulated by by extremely bad actors. By default Bitcoin has been taken over by the creme-a-la-creme of Financial Bad Actors.
- Michael Saylor - Well known Dot Com Bubble scam also lost over 2 billion $ of its investors money.
- Elon Musk - Rich autist kid, mommy's boy that bought whatever he asked him for including PayPal and other ventures :) Blood diamonds where good back in his mother days.
- ARK (Not bad actor, but clearly has no idea what they are doing, they are jumping from ship to ship by the game of probability , basically going for all HIGH-RISK investment in hope that 1 of them can outdo bad performance of others)
- Influencers, Scammers, 100 tokens per day (99% of them which are scam) represents a great market dilution.
- In 1 month Mt.Gox coins will be distributed over 138.000 BTC. Doesn't make sense to buy now when you can buy soon cheaper. Yes they will finally distribute those coins yay. go on mtgox.com for more info. (More then Microstrategy has in their portfolio as point of reference)
- Tether connection with Evergreen China company and that majority of their CP (Commercial Paper) is based as loans to defaulting China companies. ( This might be also the reason behind the pump as insiders exchanged they USDT for Bitcoin and sell the Bitcoins for USD on confirmation or even for USDC [ as their report is much better and not formed out of bankrupt companies ] )