
BTC: possible Buy Zones

The top was pretty obvious, with four orders of Elliot wave 5's coming to an end.
I sold most of my long up there (90%), and left trailing stop on 10% which got nailed.
Elliot Waves and Fibs were a perfect guide up the mountain .

Now trying to plot the retrace.
In theory there should be an ABC.
But to WHERE is the question.

Elliot says ABC can come back about the wave 4.
But given four orders of 12345's being retraced, which one?
I am thinking the BIG one is most relevant.

I have already bought a little (15%) at the first green zone just above weekly pivot just in case it turns.
If falls below Weekly Pivot, will add more will laddered orders down towards next green zone, heavier near it.
If falls below that, will add more ladders into the 7500 zone.

