
The BITCOIN-Puzzles AND The Missing Piece - I Finally Found it!

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Maybe... :)

I have literally spent hours to make this chart and to figure out Bitcoin. I've spent hours to count the Elliott Waves down to the smallest sub-waves. I've spent hours talking with experts, who have more experience with Elliott Wave-theory than me. And none of us can make it work 100 % - It's one of the few times that has happened.

But It kinda make sense, when we know, that the market the last couple of weeks heavily has been manipulated compared to what we normally see. Many Top Authors in here says the same, and I also hear it from big crypto-guys on Twitter.

But now let's take a look at the 2h BTCUSD chart! First of all I want you to pay attention to the orange up trending channel we are in right now. The experienced trader can quickly see, that the price movements are pretty suspect. Sudden price movements in different directions - huge volume. A trend you very often not could count on and so on.

Hereafter I want you to take notice of my purple puzzle piece. But hey, WTF? The corrective purple wave C is in the middle of the big green candle! Yes, guys. I have decided after this heavily manipulated move from the whales (the BTC-record when it comes to volume by hour. 24 times the MA20 Volume) to place the end of Wave C in the middle of the green candle!! On the smaller time frames you can see, it just fit, but doesn't live 100 % up to our EW guidelines.

So we are now in the process of an 1-5 EW structure inside the channel. We are right now riding wave 3, but as you can see, we are almost falling out of the channel at his very moment. The bulls are fighting to keep us inside. It doesn't seem super convincing so far.. BUT!

After I spent a whole day yesterday to study down to the smallest details, how the whales operate and have manipulated the market lately, I think I have figured out their plan. To make a long story short. They will help us staying inside this channel. That's all I can tell.

When that is said. You can see, after I've used the Trend based Fibonacci Tool to determine our targets, how beautifully everything matches.

- We have a perfect 50 % retracement on EW 2
- EW3 is exactly 161,8 % of EW1

And that means, ladies and gentleman, according to Elliott Wave Theory and Fibonacci Ratio Relationship, that we can expect a 261,8 % Fibonacci Extension on Wave 5, which is equal to....

10,800 USD! <3

Before I'll wrap up! Remember we still have a lot of uncertainty with Bitcoin, so be careful when you trade, and wait for confirmation on a direction. And please avoid margin trading if you are new to trading.

I know it's more fun. It's more like gambling, it goes faster, you can win more money more quickly, and your BRAIN and REWARD SYSTEM loves it because it triggers and releases all the fun neurotransmitters like adrenaline, noradrenalin AND DOPAMIN!

But be careful, my friends :)

D4 Loves You <3

BTW. I'm really overwhelmed with all the love and support you have given me lately - thank you so much. I've got so many messages. Thanks from the bottom of my heart - and please leave a LIKE :)
So we keep seeing these shakeouts, bear and bull traps all the time! 750 dollars price moment in 30 seconds. The whales are killing short on longs again and again. That's why I keep warning you - It's not to spread FUD!

And let me stress, so no one misunderstand it. So far my theory I was telling you about right. It might change - I obviously cannot be sure of anything.

But as you can see we are getting higher, AND the whales are keeping us inside the tunnel. They only let wicks go outside.

And thank you for following me - Have a nice Saturday <3 Please leave a LIKE, if you enjoyed the analysis!

9,400 USD NOW - And it definitely looks awesome! I've counted the subwaves, and also those waves confirms we will hit 10,700-10,800 USD!

Right now we are facing a lot of resistance at 9,500 USD. But I think we will go through eventually. After that we will go to 10k-10,2k, where we also have a lot of resistance.

Then we need a retrace back to 9,7xx to 9,600 (maybe lower), and we need the last 5th subwave which will take us to our final target for now!

10,800 USD!!

TY GUYS!! Please hit the like-button, my friends :)

Are you ready to see a steep uptrend from Bitcoin soon? This is a classic bullish pattern. First a steep uptrend, then a pennant, and then another steep uptrend.

Come on, Bitcoin! <3

I promised you, guys! 9,500 USD - We have big resistance here, but I'm convinced we will eventually go through. It's just a matter of time.

Please give a like, if you liked the analysis :)

Still going according to the plan! We will now probably go to 9,358 or 9,300 USD, and then we will go up again.

Had to count all the small subwaves to figure it out due to all these manipulative moves by whales!

D4 Loves You <3

We fell a bit under than I expected. It doesn't really so far make a big difference. I still believe we will go to 10,8k, as long as we stay in our orange uptrend channel.

If we fall even lower, we might get a spike out of the tunnel, but again, be careful. Don't short. It might very well again be a bear trap.

IF we fall out of the channel, I obviously have to adapt to the new situation. But we have seen these price movements again and again, so it doesn't come as a big surprise.

Let's see - but again - Im pretty convinced we won't fall out!

D4 <3

So as you can see, we are still moving slowly upward as expected and stay inside our orange channel! 10,8k is STILL our Target!

Bitcoin is definitely in good shape! Please give a like, my friends, and I will soon make a new chart for you!

D4 <3

Update is here: From a Singularity to The Big Bang -Will BTC Keep Accelerating?

From a Singularity to The Big Bang -Will BTC Keep Accelerating?

