
Copy cat you!

I dont like BTC whats so ever not as a currency not as asset. although the concept of money VPN! does excites my nipples. imagine, money is like netflix you cant use your money in London for example so you pay little extra and you get money VPN! spend it anywhere! that's totally off point! my view of btc doesn't have a mirror so it copies snp when it wishes. when it doesn't it just takes all your money. I don't like the choppy trends, anytime you think ohhhh I wish it would go to million k but doesn't, it stop at 49 does a reversal and takes all your pet food/rent money. thats why i dont like it. snp makes sense we have covid blah blah economy is trash we know that you that! any how need to get a mic for next time. few forward drops as snp gets meeeh all assets are meeeeh i dont hold BTC as BTC hold all my money for now... no further questions your honer.

