When you are new to the investment market, ie the coin market or stock market, or are unfamiliar with trading, it can be difficult to choose a buying point.
So, I try to find a buying point while reading various analysis articles and studying charts.
When you can select a buying point to some extent through these efforts, you start to think that it is difficult to find a selling point.
If you find it difficult to find a selling point, most likely it's because you can't sell near the high.
However, if you look at the trading section as a whole, it is likely that the original purchase average unit price is set higher than other transactions for transactions that are difficult to find a selling point.
In order to solve these problems, it is necessary to practice lowering the average unit price of purchases.
Also, this exercise depends on how you increase the number of coins (tokens).
How to increase the number of coins (tokens) has been written on several charts for a long time.