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How to convert TradingView Alerts to trades on exchange accounts

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Creating automated trading solutions can often feel like a daunting task. Traders must not only craft complex algorithms but also ensure smooth execution across various exchanges. The process involves handling trade execution, order management, and performance analysis—each exchange presenting its own integration challenges. What may start as a simple strategy can quickly evolve into a time-consuming, resource-heavy project.

But what if you could automate your trades directly from your TradingView alerts with just a few clicks?

By leveraging alert-based automation, you can easily transform your TradingView alerts into real trades on your preferred exchange.

In this article, we’ll walk through how to set up automated trades based on TradingView alerts. We’ll show you how, in just 5 minutes, you can create alerts, link them to an alert bot, and watch as your orders are seamlessly opened and closed on an exchange.

Let’s get started with a step-by-step guide for TradingView indicators!

Step 1. Click Alert Messages in your create Skyrexio Alert bot, copy webhook URL, messages to open and close trade

Step 2. Go to TradingView charts, select trading pair, choose indicator and apply it to the chart

Step 3. Set the chart timeframe and indicator configuration to meet your expectations

Step 4. Click Alert, select the indicator as the condition, paste the bot message and webhook URL, click Create

Note: if you chose Alert close orders when configuring the bot, set another alert with close message to exit trades[/I]

With just a few simple steps, you can now turn your TradingView indicators into fully automated trades on popular exchanges like Binance, Bybit, OKX,,, and KuCoin. This powerful integration streamlines your trading process, enabling you to act on signals without constant monitoring or manual execution. The ability to seamlessly execute trades ensures that you never miss a profitable opportunity, regardless of market conditions.

But that’s just the beginning!

In the next section, we’ll show you how to convert TradingView strategies into automated trades using alerts. With strategies, you can further refine your approach and unlock even more potential for automation. If you're interested in learning how to take your automation to the next level, stay tuned!

Ready to dive deeper into strategy automation? Let us know in the comments if you want to see more on this topic!

