加元 / 日圓

CAD JPY - Fantastic Long Opportunity

A lot of confluence on the charts on this one. As usual do your own research but from my analysis:
1. PA is correcting itself and is moving up.
2. Above the cloud with a prediction of resumption
3. Sitting nicely on a bunched moving average pattern.
4. This is the second CAD buy trade I've identified showing some strength in the Loonie

I shall be taking this trade all being well on Monday.
Y'know, some days the market gives you a little bit of your expected profit. Otherdays it puts you in drawdown but gives you time to react. Or, like today, the market takes down your trousers and pants and shoves a giant pineapple up your ass. As Jack Nicholson says in The Departed after one his crew says "His mother is on the way out...", Jack replies, "We all are, act accordingly".

