Clore AI / USDT
已更新 | CLORE the 33X 💎

The price of aka CLORE is $0.209 today with a 24hour trading volume of 13.5 million dollar. This represents a 50% price increase in the last 24 hours and a 252% price increase in the past 7 days

Clore is an innovative platform that connects individuals and businesses seeking to utilize high-performance GPUs for various tasks, such as artificial intelligence training, video rendering, and cryptocurrency mining. By providing a user-friendly marketplace, enables users to access powerful computing resources at competitive prices and on a flexible basis.

The swift lease initiation process and minute-by-minute billing system ensure that both renters and hosters can efficiently utilize their resources. As a standout feature, hosters can take advantage of background mining, allowing their equipment to generate income even when they are waiting for tenants.

Recognizing the importance of environmental sustainability, is committed to reducing its carbon footprint by encouraging hosters to use renewable energy sources. Additionally, the platform is actively researching and implementing energy-efficient solutions, contributing to a more sustainable future for the technology industry.

With robust encryption protocols and strict data privacy policies, ensures that users' sensitive information remains secure, fostering trust within the community. has its native digital currency, Clore Coin. Clore Coin is a Proof-of-Work blockchain based on the KaWPOW algorithm. It is used to reward hosters and encourage platform engagement. Additionally, the platform has implemented a Proof of Holding system. Users who hold Clore Coin in their desktop wallets can enjoy discounts of up to 50% on commission fees when renting on, creating an even more attractive ecosystem for participants. Clore Coin launched on December 6th, 2022, in the Czech Republic. There was no premine, no ICO, or masternodes, Everyone can mine Clore from the very first block

2024 going to be a crazy year with tons of Gems and great projects, are you Ready?

