
September/October, 2018 May Be the Beginning of a Collapse

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DJ:DJI   道瓊工業平均指數
I'm posting the chart again here in comments. I have too many text bubbles on the chart to make it look presentable in the cover chart for this publication. Hence, the reason for posting it again here in comments for easier viewing and reading.

Here's how Indicators may play out on the Monthly TF in the months to come:

The chaos going on in emerging markets (FOREX exchange with other currencies against the dollar and foreign exchanges for different corporations in different countries) are beginning to plunge. The housing bubble has reached its peak in most countries and beginning to fall.

Labor participation at 62.4%.

The U.S. just lost 2,000,000 jobs in the U.S. despite adding 192,000 jobs.

The yield curve between the 2 year and 10 year bond will soon invert. When it does, the stock markets around the world will flash crash.

Citizens around the world have accumulated massive amounts of debt that haven't been seen since the 2000 and 2008 market crashes.

The U.S. has a student loan bubble over 1 Trillion dollars. The U.S. also has a car loan bubble and a commercial real estate bubble. We could call this "The Everything Bubble."

Banks are beginning to show serious signs of weakness around the world. There are signs of weakness in the global economy. However, the Main Stream Media would have us believe otherwise by avoiding any mention on these topics. They want to talk about "consumer confidence" and earnings reports. Well, those numbers are also "manipulated" along with many other numbers given to it's people in an effort to hide the truth of the chaos to come.

I will post the 14 Day and 7 Day TF's with indicators shortly.
I'm not sure if any of you have been keeping up with "Q." I actually believe a person or group of people recognized as "Q" actually exists. Too many things mentioned in "Q" drops have come to pass for me to write it off as propaganda. I honestly believe it's real.

We're expecting many UNREDACTED document dumps to be released in the very near future. Probably after the vote for the next Supreme Court Justice in the Senate on September 20, 2018. Those document dumps will be a severe blow to representatives of the Deep State and put the Deep State in an even weaker position. This, in turn, will increase the desperation on the part of the Deep State to do whatever they can by any means necessary to maintain the power they've had for decades. Which is why I also believe we may see a major event here in the U.S. Something like a hack of the entire financial system along with the power grid in major cities and/or an EMP (Electro Metic Pulse) to wipe out many electrical devices in the financial system in an effort to TRY to cover up their fleecing of assets from U.S. citizens and other citizens in other countries around the world.

The next couple of months are going to be VERY active (exciting) in regards to politics, geopolitics and financials, to say the least. The main reason for me bringing all of this up is my concern for how such events could affect the crypto currency markets. How the crypto currency exchanges would be affected in the event the bank they do business with goes on a LONG banking holiday. Meaning, they lost every bit of their own money and their customers money due to a bank declaring bankruptcy or a bank doing what's called, a "Bail In." Which is when the bank provides "IOU's" to it's customers in the form of certificates to tell the customers those certificates provide ownership share of the bank to be cashed out at a future date which will never come. The bank could take as much as 40 to 50 percent of its customers deposits in checking, savings and money market accounts. It would be something similar to what occurred in Cyprus several years back.
Here's an image to show you an example of Distribution Schematic #1 along side our current DJI Average Chart: i.imgur.com/SkjRf1G.png
14-Day (2-Week) TF: The 7-Day TF will follow after I finish helping my wife cook dinner and eat.

Those of you who you who have followed me for several years have read what I'm about to mention several times before. So, what I'm about to write is simply a reminder of my previous "opinion."

The main purpose of this publication was not only to let those who trade the stock market know what is potentially around the corner. But also to warn the crypto trader what is potentially around the corner.

Emerging markets are currently taking a beating; when compared to the US dollar. However, it's much worse than most realize if they take into consideration the lack of health in the US dollar. Which means, those emerging markets actually have it much worse than the citizens in those countries may realize.

Many banks are heavily invested in those emerging markets. They have loaned many billions of dollars to those countries; knowing that debt cannot be paid back. The banks plan is to seize assets, such as land and property, as a type of collateral to insure the debt. This is what occurred in Greece. The country of Greece was fleeced of much of its assets by banks to the point there's nothing much left to fleece. I wonder who's country is next?

Consumer debt is at an all time high and it keeps increasing month after month. Many consumers in many countries are relying on credit cards to get by and many of those credit cards are capped out or close to being capped out. Which is another reason consumer debt is setting a new all time high month after month.

We already have a housing bubble beginning to burst in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. It won't be long before the housing bubble is wide spread throughout many countries.

The US Federal Reserve is about to hike interest rates another .25%. This is only going to harm consumers, corporations and foreign governments even more and accelerate the coming housing bubble in the U.S.

I could keep listing one negative after another but I would rather get to the point. It's my honest "opinion" stock markets around the world will soon go bust. Possibly within the next four 14-Day (2-Week) Candles on the 2-Week (14-Day) Chart. When the stock markets begin dumping, the "financials" will take a very hard hit and credit extended out to consumers, companies and governments will probably begin to freeze.

Many consumers will get laid off from their jobs because of so many businesses down sizing or going out of business shortly after the dump begins. This will cause bankruptcy filings to skyrocket and the financials (bank stocks) will take a hit on the stock exchanges even more. Not long afterward, many banks will begin closing their doors as consumers run to the banks to take out cash. Grocery stores will not be able to stock their shelves because of credit being frozen. Etc... etc...

Now to my point: If banks end up going down, what do you suppose will ultimately occur with the funds of deposits from consumers and businesses? Those of you who assume the FDIC has enough funds to cover Depositor losses in banks that are failing by replacing your funds will soon have a rude awakening in my opinion.

For those of you who may not know:
Crypto exchanges have bank accounts to hold FIAT that's wire transferred to and from the exchange. If the bank an exchange is using fails, what do you suppose will occur with FIAT funds deposited by users into that exchange? This would create a crisis on exchanges because traders on the exchange would immediately lose access to the FIAT they thought they had.
Those still holding USD while waiting for a better price on cryptos may find themselves with no FIAT and no crypto if FIAT banks failed. Exchanges would be too busy trying to figure out how to solve the lack of liquidity in their exchange due to a lack of capital coming to the exchange due to failing banks. They might want to spread out the loss incurred by the banks to everyone on the exchange; similar to what BitFinex did after it was hacked in July/August 2016. It took a year for everyone to get their funds back in full. But this situation would be different. The exchanges were not hacked. They simply lost access to funds held by a FIAT bank.

I recently moved all my crypto off exchanges. It's because of the likely hood of a particular situation occurring like the one I've mentioned above. I'd rather be safe than sorry. Also, we not only have "bank failure" to worry about. We also have failure with USD Tether. USD Tether has the ability to ruin most all the exchanges in the near future.

Bottom line: I believe it's too risky to leave my crypto on exchanges and I've moved them to wallets for safe keeping until things look better on exchanges and in the stock markets.

I'm still in the process of remodeling my office for MANY monitors as tools for trading signals while also selling my mining hardware on eBay. I'll soon get back in the full swing of trading signals. Which means I will still provide signals for those who keep their crypto on exchanges. I simply thought I would share with everyone what I've done with my crypto. It's in wallets OFF exchanges.
The latest earnings reports of retail was a joke. Yet, stocks go up once again. This market is a joke! Not only are governments on the verge of default of their debts; individuals and families are virtually tapped out on their borrowing power. Meaning, most are already tapped out on their available credit on their credit cards and cannot afford or even qualify for more credit.

It won't be long before credit freezes. When it does, we will see gas stations not being able to get gas like in 2008 crash. Trucking companies will not be able to ship items to grocery stores and other companies because many trucking (shipping) companies run off credit. Most companies run off credit and that's simply the way most companies do business these days.

The current FIAT banking system requires us to continue with a strong demand for credit in order for their system to survive. However, the credit bubble is about to pop because individuals, families and businesses are relying on credit to survive and the credit they have available on their existing credit cards is virtually tapped out. Individuals and families cannot borrow much more to purchase from retailers and retailers can't borrow much more to pay their expenses.

Bottom Line: The bubble is about to pop. Why? Because there's one important aspect of the economy the Federal Reserve has absolutely no control over. What is that? The ability to make the consumer SPEND (Consume). When the consumer no longer has the funds to consume, the economy and financials go bust. This is what occurred in 2008 financial crisis and it's about to occur again but on a much larger scale.

7-Day TF:

7-Day TF Update:

This is not a good sign with the signs of "potential" exhaustion in the following high time frames coinciding with the current events going on in the U.S. and around the world in emerging markets. Even the IMF is warning of potential exhaustion yesterday.

7-Day TF:

14-Day TF:

Monthly TF:

Most everyone knows Gregory Mannarino. He makes some very good points in his most recent video; providing some good fundamental analysis about the stock and bond markets. Have a watch...

US 10 Year Bond:

Have a look at the 30-Day TF on Micron Technology, Inc.

I placed all of those Purple Vertical Time Lines on the chart above for a reason. Look at the dates. Once you look at the dates, look at the indicator lines on Godmode 3.1 Mod with LSMA. When the Phoenix ARI breaks below the 80% level, it will only be further confirmation that a long term bear trend is in play. This is my opinion of course. ; )
Have a look at this 5-Day TF... We will hit 23,360 by mid November quite easily in my opinion. Especially, if the US 10 Year Bond Yield continues going up and the US dollar continues going down. We could be at 20,000 by December 3, 2018.

14-Day TF: I've drawn lines within Godmode indicator and Phoenix ARI to depict the POSSIBLE future trek of those lines within the 14-Day TF chart:

Rules for Godmode 3.1 Mod with LSMA:

We PREFER the Blue LSMA to be at 80% or higher for SAFE EXIT (SHORT) bets.
We PREFER the Blue LSMA to be at 20% or lower for SAFE ENTRY (LONG) bets.

Rule No. 2
ANY time the red line is approaching a green line that’s moving UPWARD,
Be prepared to make an ENTRY (LONG) when the red line is about to touch the green line that’s moving upward.
One can look at a lower time frame to get a better idea of how much longer you may have
To wait for the red line to touch the green line. In many cases, you may make ENTRY (LONG)
Just before the red line actually touches the green line that’s moving up in that higher time frame
You were initially using as your COMPASS. I currently have the 1-Month TF as a compass for EURUSD.

Rule No. 3
ANY time the red line is approaching a green line that’s moving DOWNWARD,
Be prepared to make an EXIT (SHORT) when the red line is about to touch the green line that’s moving downward.
One can look at a lower time frame to get a better idea of how much longer you may have
To wait for the red line to touch the green line. In many cases, you may make your EXIT (SHORT)
Just before the red line actually touches the green line that’s moving downward in that higher time frame
You were initially using as your COMPASS. I currently have the 1-Month TF as a compass for EURUSD.

Rule No. 4
The Green Line and/or Ghost Line can often help one determine when an upward or downward move in a particular time frame
Is nearly exhausted and about to reverse.

Example for Upside Exhaustion about to reverse to the Downside:
When the Green Line and/or Ghost line is at 80% level or higher, this is a good indicator to inform
Us the current upside move may be approaching exhaustion. You can look at a higher time frame to try to gain
More insight as to whether this will only be a brief dip down in the lower time frame IF the higher time frame you
Went to reveals there is a lot more room remaining for the Green and/or Ghost Lines to reach the 80% or higher level.

Example for Downside Exhaustion about to reverse to the Upside:
When the Green Line and/or Ghost line is at 20% level or lower, this is a good indicator to inform
Us the current downside move may be approaching exhaustion. You can look at a higher time frame to try to gain
More insight as to whether this will only be a brief dip up in the lower time frame IF the higher time frame you
Went to reveals there is a lot more room remaining for the Green and/or Ghost Lines to reach the 20% or lower level.

Rule No. 5
The same rules you see in Rule No. 4 also apply to the Stochastic RSI. Keep in mind I changed the colors of the
Stochastic RSI to the following: Red default changed to Purple and Blue changed changed to Black to avoid confusing
Them with the lines in Godmode.

When the Stochastic RSI is at 80% or higher level, we need to be on guard for a reversal to the downside.
When the Stochastic RSI is at 20% or lower level, we need to be on guard for a reversal to the upside.
Just another look at the Monthly:

Here is SPDR S&P 500 - 14-Day TF Chart to see how it too is also about to transition from Phase C to Phase D soon. Click on the link to an image of a Wyckoff Distribution Schematic #1. Open that image up in a separate window for better comparison of that image to the S&P 500 chart.

Link to Wyckoff Distribution Schematic #1: i.imgur.com/nVvme5Z.png

Link to more information of Wyckoff Distribution Schematic: stockcharts.com...school/doku.php?id=chart_s...

Here is the SPDR S&P 500 Chart I want you to use to compare to the Wyckoff Distribution Schematic provided in first link:

7-Day TF:

What many fail to realize (in my opinion) is while the other markets around the world are doing terrible and investors get out of those markets to transfer their capital to the U.S. to TRY to protect their capital; there will be those waiting to take advantage of the liquidity that capital will bring as it flees one market to come to the U.S.

There's no where to run except precious metals and crypto in my opinion. As Lynette Zang says, "Shields are not made of paper; they're made of METAL." Meaning, the best shield one could have to protect their wealth (capital) is to buy metals and not paper contracts/derivatives.
The Phoenix ARI is beginning to angle downward in the Monthly TF. We still have a week for it to recover and come back up. If the remaining five days of this month does not finish on a POSITIVE note, the Phoenix ARI will finish out the month of October angled downward. That will be a signal for a likely reversal to a bear trend. However, it won't really be confirmed until November or December in my opinion. I must say though, This is NOT looking good.

Phoenix ARI merged with Stochastic RSI enlarged for the MONTHLY TF:

7-Day TF:

14-Day TF: This provides an example of a previous statement about the Stochastic RSI in the 7-Day TF.

21-Day TF:

Monthly TF:

