In the markets, fear is ever so present, and I find after studying extensively there is no way of removing fear. However, fear can be managed. Now you might've heard from other sources that fear can be eliminated, I propose to you an analogy. A kindle of fire is present however this small nuisance has the potential to be the destroyer of forests, buildings and the very screen you're reading this from. The potential is what you ADD to the fire, it could be wind, wood or most destructively oil. Whatever you add to that fire will establish it's destruction potential. Let's flip the scenario now, that kindle is forever in your mind from the gift we have received called flight or flight and everything you add to that kindle is your emotions. Whether it be the stress you carry from your day job, the worry about finances, caring what others think of you etc. The moral of this analogy is that we control what we put in our minds and we have to become conscious of this otherwise we are fuelling the fire which can be the difference from being profitable and blowing your account. There are a multitude of ways we can manage this fear but one I would like to introduce to you is the idea of input versus output. We fear the outcome of a result when it is yet to happen but we neglect our input, if we take care of the input being: back testing, scenario testing and putting a good strategy together and it proves profitable all it takes is executing in real time. Here is my suggestion to you, let the testing be prisitne and rehearse the plays endlessly then when you set foot on the playing field "let the score take care of itself" beautifully quoted by Bill Walsh. A question to leave you on, what trader would you become if you kept fear at bay? What could you achieve if fear no longer held you in shackles? Could you become consistent? To repeat myself, focus on the input and the output will reflect it, it is useless calculating how much you are going to win when you are focusing on the wrong thing. Learn to execute flawlessly, learn to identify your set up correctly and keep your trading plan taped above your monitor if need be. Fear is living in the future and the future is never certain thus causing anxiety, look infront of you and acknowledge what is happenining RIGHT NOW. Do not fear losses for they will come, but you can avoid unecessary losses if you wake up to what is infront of you.
I wish you all safety, prosperity, and God's preferntial treatment.
Your friend,