
ETHUSD 4hr Mex Chart: Looking pretty much the same as BTC

ETHUSD looking pretty similar to BTC on the 4 hr chart, possibly more downside, but a lot of these larger cap alts with USD pairings have faired pretty well on BTC pairings after the initial dive down. When BTC would spike down yesterday, ETHBTC, XLMBTC, and others held strong, while XRPBTC and LTCBTC actually had some substantial gains. A market that is less reactive to BTC movement is a very good thing, and the more coins that have high volume trading again Fiat pairings, the less reactive the entire market will be to BTC movement. The difference is small currently, but gives a glimpse to how trading could change in the future. I have bids scattered from $165 down to $145, but the bottom could very well be in for ETH, it has held up very well after the initial losses in spite of BTC continuing to go down.

