
ETH expectations long term.

Hello ! Just a short idea to compare and show some potential similarities between ETH and young BTC :

Seeing how the two chart could be looking similar, i am asking myself if ethereum could be ready for a massive pumping move that would take as bitcoin did at the begining of itself. The ethereum would, seeing the recent actions around crypto like government interests, banks entering the game, and people discovering crypto.

I wouldn't be surprised if ethereum, in the spirit that bitcoin did, had an impressive parabolic bull run sooner than later.
In fact, the price consolidation and the "despair phase" that has been occuring for months could lead to something impressive. Non-forgetting the futures and all the derivatives applications that potentially could appear.

This context tends to let me think ETH could grow from 6000% to 7500% in the next bull market if it occurs. (Going from bottom to between 5500 $ to 6500$)
And this in the 2023 year, maybe it could go a bit faster in the actual context of expansion of crypto space.

Well, assuming that the bottom was in December, 2018 : 快照

We can notice here two things, The volume has been declining since mid november. Actually when this happens, volume has to come back and it should come back strongly...

Second, the Weekly rsi seems to be in a triangle where it will have to choose to go one way or the other.

My prediction is like mentionned in this chart that, and actually thinking in the way of a "theorical 4 year cycle". It should look something like this :


PS: this is not a financial advise. Take your own risks and bet what you can afford to loose.

PS bis: Sorry for my english, i am french man .

