歐元 / 瑞士法郎

EurChf Rate from 1.0802 as Support Level

EurChf Rate from 1.0802 as Support Level
A Slight Break Higher into 1.0844
Is considered as Near Term Resistance Level
Towards Lower End Pricing at 1.0734
The Rate is at the Daily Chart Lows
Downtrend Mode towards 1.0602
Which is at 78% percent bar on the Daily Chart Low.

Can you see how trading ideas or trading to rules - Come`s into play as the charts extend more and more relevant data which is needed in order -
So we can qualify the charted picture to outcome or drawing in the bigger picture then so much more quickly clearly whilst the trends are establishing themselves.
EurChf Target 1.0844 not Reached So Stop-out - 1.0844
at A Return to 1.0784
Although Trend may remain in-tact
So watch & see best advised.
A Few Hours Late - EurChf Rate - Trend decides to return to towards 1.0844
Rate in Current Progress towards 1.0844
As Resistance Level.
Expected Outcome - Is that at 1.0844 - Rate returns Low to 1.0784
As Support Level.
09/01/2020 Target Reached at 1.0822
Trade Active - Spot Price 1.0798
Continuation Lower Low - Rate returns Low to 1.0784
Downtrend Mode
Rate returns Low to 1.0784 -In Error -
Made Correction - EurChf Low Target is at 1.0734
09/01/2020 Early Evening - EurChf Rate - Trading is Cancelled on this Rate
This is only A Test Application at this Time.

A complete mess as been made at this Symbol -
Now I will enter into the New Forecast
My Expected Outcome - On the Rate
From 1.0785 Low as Support Level -
towards Higher Resistance Level at 1.0908
Uptrend Mode
Stop-loss Placement - Just below Support Level 1.0785

