
EURJPY ---> The high is near (EURJPY#1):

FX:EURJPY   歐元 / 日圓
Good afternoon, dear reader!

We offer you a technical analysis of the currency pair: #EURJPY

Comments last week:

The currency pair moved in the forwarder of its Major-pair. This allowed her to bypass all potential resistance zones.

However, at the time of writing, we get an extremely complicated picture, in which prices have already risen too much without correction, which was already in the current year - then this caused a reversal of the pair.

Technical analysis:

H1 (Technical) -H4 (indicative).

The currency pair has gone beyond the boundaries of both local and global trends. Moreover, the currency pair passed resistance at 121.00, and after fixing, growth continued.

At the moment, the pair is rebuilding its dynamics, this is also characteristic of the Major-pair, which in turn tells us about the end of the trend. In the absence of force majeure, we will receive the long-awaited correction.

Indicative analysis provides the following information:

1. There is oversold currency on a 4-hour time frame, on older time frames as well (located in a potential sales area).

2. The price behavior indicator shows that the price is in an excess zone with respect to the 4-day trend, as soon as the pair exits from it, you can try new sales.

Global variables:

• Volatility: Weekly = 102 points // Monthly = 104 points // Quarterly = 97 points.

• Trends:
55 - day SMA continued to grow;
100 - day SMA continues to decline;
200 - day SMA started to grow;

• Range Ratio: 268 points (Drop from 283 points).
- Maximum amplitude per week.


To expect the formation of a reversal on the hourly time frame, the best signal to enter the sale will be the return of the currency pair to the global upward channel.

Best regards,
"Wermelgion & Partners"

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