Dear followers,
Probably at this stage, you would want to ask one question. Does it work? Well, I think that should be fairly easy to answer. Just look at the facts - results.
As I have said before, in this business, you must constantly seek out what works. When you find out what can work, then practice it constantly to hone your skills. You will know that you are on the right track based on your results and instinct. You will need a fairly large dose of common sense to find the right path. At this stage, I would also emphasize also the need for high IQ. This is not an easy way to make money.
I was looking at my own results to track my own learning. I am still learning. I am not trying to entice you now with some great stories so that I can sell you something in the future like some fake Gurus. I have no intention to sell anyone anything. Now or ever. I make money only from trading. I just like to share my experience in the hope others may benefit. My ideas may be right. Or they might be wrong. But so far, it works for me. Perhaps I am finally on the right path :)
October 2021 - 45Win - 17Lose (13.98% gross profit)
November 2021 - 86Win -33Lose (13.25% gross profit)
December 2021 - 85Win - 23Lose (66.68% gross profit)
January 2022 - 113Win - 35Lose (33.22% gross profit)
February 2022 - 43Win - 0Lose (252.17% gross profit)
As of now, I have only 1 trade still running (Buy @ 1.401). I will just wait for price to recover. I am not worried as I have more than enough capital to back up my trades all the time.
Constantly track your results. As usual, win rate matters.
Now, lets look for the next great trading opportunity.
Happy trading.
P/S : As always, do not just believe what I say. Use your own common sense.