Hello everyone. I tried to put out regular market updates in the past, but I failed to do so for different reasons. This time, my idea is to gather the best tweets, articles, charts, etc., and add some brief comments. I will post these out regularly as long as I have decent material.
6. The yield curve inverting doesn't mean we will have a crash. A recession is guaranteed at this point, but remember that the recession comes many months after the inversion. twitter.com/lisaabramowicz1/status/1555532966008442881
7. So far, this is a worse situation than 2012, 2015, and 2018; however it is nowhere near as bad as 2008 or 2020. Could it get that bad? I doubt it for now. Of course, with new data, I am ready to change my mind if I have to. twitter.com/jnordvig/status/1555518172429955077
9. My main worry is what happens between the US and China in the next few months, especially in October, as I think it would be tough to avoid an invasion. Heightened tensions alone can create a lot of problems... twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1555500308092096512