歐元 / 美元


Economic calendar as of 11/07/2024 ( GMT +2:00 Budapest)
(LEFT to RIGHT ) Actual(?) Forecast Previous
14:30 USD Continuing Jobless Claims 1,860K 1,858K
14:30 USD Core CPI (MoM) (Jun) 0.2% 0.2%
14:30 USD Core CPI (YoY) (Jun) 3.4% 3.4%
14:30 USD CPI (MoM) (Jun) 0.1% 0.0%
14:30 USD CPI (YoY) (Jun) 3.1% 3.3%
14:30 USD Initial Jobless Claims 236K 238K

The above mentioned data will determine the next move in EURUSD and CADEUR ( Correleting pair so choose one to trade. EURUSD for those whos likes to have a long position, CADEUR FOR SHORTERS.)

The TWO most important data is Core CPI (MoM) (Jun) - From Februar 12, 2024 we can see that slowly the elevated interest rate enviroment transioning into the real economy thus FED slowly will change the tone about the future interest rate, at this point zou already should have a buyng position, since violent moves wont allowe you to participate at fair price.
I higly underestimated the force behind this move. I will try to understand my mistake. At the same time , I do understand from the fundamentals base why EURO aprriciated, % gain was shocking.

