Everex Does 468% In 2 Days (Similar Opportunities Inside)
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If you follow Alan Masters, you are aware of Everex (EVXBTC), which is a great cryptocurrency project which generated a massive 460%+ profits in a matter of just 2 days.
Now, I am writing to let you know that many more opportunities like this one are developing and you can find these by visiting my profile. Here on Trading View, I have the ability to post 10 charts per day, so you can be sure to find many new opportunities daily, you just have to go here and click "Follow", or visit daily: tradingview.com/u/alanmasters/
We are seeing many Binance altcoins explode in profits with surely much more to come.
Here you can find my Everex (EVXBTC) Round 3 trade idea shared on the 15th March, almost two weeks before this ultra bullishness:
Let me tell you that this is just the beginning. The cryptocurrency market had a very long bear market all throughout 2018 and only recently we starting to see some bullish action. Yes, this massive growth will slow down but we will have altcoin, after altcoin doing similar numbers to what we are seeing with Binance coins.
Take a look at openANX for example, another one that generated over 200% profits.
We also have ADEX, SNGLS, and many others. Feel free to visit my profile for more.
You can always hit like and leave a comment with your favorite altcoin, and I will be sure to post analysis and trade for you.