
Next Move

We are already in this trade , One can look for trading for Next move , Enter with your pre-defined methods and book at forecast Target
updating internal structure details in Image on real time ,
This is called analysis , Which in turn becomes true Guide for Trading with Maturity

When your analysis works then you will get results , everyone knows it

but how many of you have a result of your believed analysis or so called Algorithm trading more than 50 % , Ans would be few finger counting members

World top Algorithm works with an efficiency of 35.71 % and most institutions use it paying millions of dollars to Software company , but there is one more strongest tool you all have that is

Logic , use your logic and learn properly about price movement in my view Human intelligence have been proving an winning trade of 94 % in my analysis

Get proper knowledge people its time to wake up from dreams
i am updating daily chart for your reference

We booked 2 Lots in Futures and holding 1 Lot with Pre-defined stop
We booked form 102 to 95, 7 points per lot
Yeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the winner is ShreeKrishna

those who kept commenting wrong analysis , they left behind in the market

so far from 102.00 to 91 we booked 11 per lot points made full Exit , the move is very slow
we closed our trade early

one can wait for weekly bullish candle to form before the trend resume for up side
Surprisingly it completed its move , due to international energy consumption data showed us the all Gas and Energy scrips are heading for weakness due to pandemic

We steeped out form this scrip due to congested move , but looks like its reversing
as per Primary forecast , we will add only when daily reversal takes place

