1. Monetary Policy

At their April meeting the RBNZ surprise economists but not STIR markets by delivering a 50bsp hike, taking the OCR to 1.50%. The bank stressed, like most others, that inflation is a concern and that they will ensure that higher price pressures don’t become embedded in longer-term inflation expectations. The NZD initially pushed higher after the 50bsp hike (surprising economists) but it faded initial strength to trade much lower (as a 50bsp was almost fully priced by STIR markets). The statement reflected the hawkish tone we’ve grown accustomed to see from the bank over the past few months with the Committee saying they agreed that their policy ‘path of least regrets’ was to increase the OCR by 50bsp now rather than later, and of course stated that more hikes are needed (in line with their OCR projections). The one less hawkish element for the decision was that the bank didn’t increase their neutral rate expectations and instead said they are comfortable with their February MPS OCR outlook. The markets wanted to see a clear promise of more 50bsp hikes or alternatively wanted to see an increase of the neutral rate expectations, and without either of those the 50bsp hike was simply seen as front-loading. As a result of this, money markets were pricing in just a 25bsp for May for the majority of Wednesday. But after calls from Westpac, ASB and Kiwibank for a 50bsp in May we saw the NZD regain some composure on Thursday as STIR markets priced in a 60% chance of a 50bsp hike. The RBNZ remain hawkish, but a lot of that is arguably priced in and might not continue to offer much more support for the NZD.

2. Economic outlook

The econ outlook looks solid as growth & inflation is expected to accelerate, home prices up 30%, commodity prices supported, and a ratified trade deal with China (opening more Chinese markets for NZ goods). Given its trade with China and Australia the recent Covid situation in China is a short-term negative for the NZD.

3. Global Risk Outlook

As a high-beta currency, the NZD usually benefits from overall positive risk sentiment as well as environments that benefit pro-cyclical assets. Thus, both short-term (immediate) and med-term (underlying) risk sentiment will always be a key consideration for the NZD.

4. CFTC Analysis

An overall mixed positioning signal for the past week. The NZD has been trading poorly in recent weeks due to the recent risk sentiment turmoil, and also means if risk can make a bit of a comeback, it could provide some short-term relief for the NZD which is looking a bit stretched.

5. The Week Ahead

For the NZD it will be a very light week on the data side. That means the focus will fall to any residual reaction following the recent RBNZ meeting where the bank surprised markets on the hawkish side by increasing their terminal rate projections and urging stronger policy action to combat rising cost pressures. Over the past few months, the NZD has not really been trading in line with its fundamental bias, which does make it tricky to trade following the RBNZ meeting. Even though the currency has been looking tactically stretched to the short side, we didn’t see any substantial follow through in the NZD following the hawkish RBNZ surprise. That doesn’t mean we won’t see any more upside of course, but it does mean we want to be a bit careful in trading the NZD purely based on its fundamental outlook as it hasn’t really been trading in line with its fundamental outlook for the past 24 months. As always, risk sentiment will also be in focus, especially after another stronger close for equities on Friday. Any continuation in that positive risk sentiment should offer some support for the NZD, while a resumption of the negative mood is expected to weigh on the currency.



1. Monetary Policy

In May the Fed delivered on hawkish expectations by hiking the Fed Funds Rate by 50bsp and also confirmed that the committee expects further 50bsp hikes to be appropriate. The fed also stuck to a familiar hawkish tone by downplaying the prospects of an imminent recession by explaining that even though the economy contracted in Q1, that household spending and business investment remained strong. The Chair also stuck to their guns regarding the rate path by suggesting that they think reaching neutral (currently estimated at 2.4%) before year-end would be appropriate and will assess the need for further hikes when they get there. There were however some less hawkish elements which saw a very classic ‘sell-the-fact’ reaction in major asset classes. The first one was on the Quantitative Tightening front where the bank decided on a phased approach for balance sheet reduction by starting the monthly caps at 30bn (treasuries) and 17.5bn ( MBS ) and pushing it up to the expected 60bn (treasuries) and 35BN ( MBS ) over a three-month timeframe. The second less hawkish element was comments from Chair Powell who took 75bsp hikes off the table saying the committee was not actively considering rate moves of that size. Interestingly, it seems STIR markets did not really believe the Fed as the probability of a 75bsp hike stood at >70% directly following the presser. All-in-all, the meeting provided a short-term ‘sell-the-fact’ opportunity, but also cemented the view that despite signs of a slowing economy and despite clear stress in financial markets, the Fed is sticking to their aggressive tightening for now.

2. Global & Domestic Economy

The USD’s global usage means it’s usually inversely correlated to the global economy and global trade. The USD usually appreciates when growth & inflation slows (disinflation) and depreciates when growth & inflation accelerates (reflation). Expectations of a cyclical slowdown have been USD positive. However, we think a lot of the growth concerns might be reflected in recent USD appreciation already. Furthermore, the USD has not been responding positively to bad data like we’ve seen from the start of the year. More recently we’ve seen the USD depreciate on bad data which could suggest that the USD’s driver has temporarily shifted away from the growth focus and shifted towards a Fed focus as the worse the incoming data becomes the higher the likelihood of a less aggressive Fed in the months ahead. Incoming data will be watched closely in relation to the infamous ‘Fed Put’. If growth data slows but not enough to stop the Fed’s hawkish path it’s USD positive, but if the data cause a Fed pivot that’ll be a big negative for the USD.

3. CFTC Analysis

An overall bearish positioning change across major participant categories last week. Aggregate USD positioning remains close to 1 standard deviation above the mean, and close to prior tops where the USD topped out in previous cycles. That means we don’t want to chase the USD higher from here in the short-term.

4. The Week Ahead

We have shifted our bias for the USD from bullish to weak bullish based on the USD’s recent negative reaction to bad US economic data. If this trend persists, we could very likely be changing our fundamental bias for the USD to neutral. In the week ahead the main event in focus for the USD will be the May CPI data. It was clear from the past two CPI prints that we are likely past the peak in YY terms, but the peak is no longer enough to satisfy markets. From here the focus for CPI won’t only be on the declining level but also the pace at which it slows, which means monthly data points are very important as well. That means a lot of focus on how monthly CPI figures are impacted by big fluctuations in things like food, energy, and shelter prices. Both core measures are expected to slow again, while headline YY expected to stay flat, but a big acceleration expected for headline CPI due to recent upside seen in commodity prices. With markets already expecting a further move lower in the core components we will likely need a very significant miss to really ‘surprise’ markets. However, big surprise drops in both headline and core would still be expected to put pressure on the USD and US10Y while offering support for things like Gold and equities.
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