I'm looking at clear trends of the RSI and I'm wondering if it's time to see a series of progressively lower lows over the next couple of decades.
Price action clearly correlates with the RSI trends we see, most notably a higher high from the late 90's while RSI appears to have printed a double top indicating a period of slowed economic activity.
And IF this is the case, I'm wondering how far we'll fall within the channel. Will this be the catalyst to a soft reset of rates; or perhaps we'll witness a hard reset and experience one of the worst economic recessions the U.S. has ever seen as balance sheets are zeroed and a new reserve fiat currency is selected. There are so many possibilities - Bitcoin could swoop in and provide leverage needed to propel the markets to an even higher high or create a scenario whereby it renders the U.S. dollar worthless, snowballing into a worldwide economic meltdown ultimately forcing upon the world a new monetary and economic system!
Look, I just spitballing here as I sit on the couch attempting to interpret the signals the market is giving me, while my son plays minecraft right in front of me, asking me "are you doing Bitcoin again, Dad?"