
"Livermore's Speculative Chart" Super Bubble Starting? Global M2


Livermore's Speculative Chart starting to look scary now doesn't it?

"Central Banks 2008" Lets create 101.29T dollars weaved into the fabric of society that cannot be removed without collapsing everything.

"Central Banks 2023" We've created too much money we need to raise rates to stop markets over heating and creating a super bubble.

"FRED Removes 1 Trillion"
  • Failed banks Date closed
  • Heartland Tri-State Bank 07/28/2023
  • First Republic Bank 05/01/2023
  • Signature Bank, New York 03/12/2023
  • Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, Calif. 03/10/2023

Lets also create BTFP + increase RRP.

Not even 1 Trillion reduced without almost capsizing the entire financial system.

This is why you don't artificially create 10s of trillions of dollars that should never have existed.

"Jerome Powell Resigns 2024"

