
SPX's 70s ABCDE & 20s ABCDE waves, a " Game of comparison" .

This Game is adjusted to 1/4 of Cycle time. Meaning that 20s ABCDE waves took 1/4 of the time
of the 70s ABCDE waves. This "Game of comparison" could be irrelevant to SPX, like nothing
at all to compare, but it's what it is therefore do not take it seriously just something to watch every once a
and while.

The real question will our "BIG MAMA" allow this to happen, of course "No" Mama will not accept that. "UNLESS"
we get a big catalyst of some sort ;-) that big Mama can not handle for few weeks ;-) .

Here is an idea how big is Mama right now !!! with out the stimulus , imagine how big will it be starting this
weekend when the money inflow start with checks coming this weekend or sooner .

SPX's "Big Mama",  20% of stimulus- Research 37%  will go stocks
If we follow the 70s structure, we are going to have rough trading a head of us loads of volatilities. Just remember that our speed is four time the 70s

