
SnP 500

The SnP chart is NOT Looking GREAT at this stage, wherein, Price is not able to hold even the minimum Barest requirement of the FIB. I had said sometime Last week that the SnP/DJIA/NIFTY would probably ALLIGN with Each other and Move upwards..... NOT ANYMORE. This will not happen if price stays below the Bare Minimum. Infact...... I am unsure which way Indices MAY now GO, and MY PERSONEL BIAS has NOW SHIFTED to the DOWNSIDE.
I am a Trader and it matters not to Me which side the Markets GO, But I would advice CAUTION to you all between 15th to 22nd October.
There was a TIME when Over Sold and Over Bought Levels would take weeks and Months to complete...... Today they complete within a matter of Hours and so Keeping a CONSTANT VIEW in todays times is Impossible

